OpenPlant Modeler Help

Intelligent Line Manager

Used to create intelligent centerlines from line segments and smartlines, and populate those lines with OpenPlant components. When using the Intelligent Line Manager, the active pipeline settings are applied to the line segments/smartlines. A pipeline must be defined before the Intelligent Line Manager can be used.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Piping > Piping Network

The Intelligent Line Manager provides many benefits such as:

  • Data exported from Point Cloud can be used with Intelligent Line to generate/regenerate the piping models.
  • Routes in 3D represented by lines or smart lines can be converted to piping networks.
  • Other/older piping solutions from Bentley (AutoPLANT and PSDS) already support this workflow.
  • Lets user sketch piping routes in 3D that can later be populated with desired fittings resulting in increased overall productivity.
  • Line Strings drawn in a MicroStation session or acquired from an auto-routing or point cloud tool can be used to create Piping Models.
  • This will help PSDS users to migrate to OpenPlant Modeler as this feature is already supported and used in PSDS.
To launch the Intelligent Line Manager select an existing line/smartline segment in the drawing and select the icon from the Piping Taskbar (or Key-in mechaddin il create).
Note: Before you can launch the Intelligent Line Manager, you must first have a pipeline defined. The line manager applies the settings of the active pipeline set in the Standard Preferences dialog to the selected line segment/smartline.

The manager interface displays providing options to define the properties of the line as well as some placement options for bend/branching components. The dialog is similar to the Place Component dialog which displays when placing standard Piping components.

Corner Options When populating an intelligent centerline, bend and branching components will automatically be placed either by:
  • Using the default values defined in the AutoBend and AutoTee tables
  • Through the AutoFittingRules.xml file.

Select either the Standard Elbow or Pipe Bend option from the drop down list to determine how elbow/ bends are automatically placed when routing a pipe run. Each option provides a different set of additional fields to help define how the elbow or bend is selected and placed.

Ask for Corner Type When this is selected, the fields underneath are disabled. When populating the centerline, you will be prompted to select a bend option from the Spec Record Selection dialog whenever a corner is encountered.
Standard Elbows: This option places an elbow when routing a 90deg. angle in a pipe length. When selected, a set of Query Options (shown above) are displayed to define how to select the correct elbow for placement:
  • Radius Type: Select from either Long Radius, Short Radius or 3R.
  • Place Trimmed Elbow: When enabled, a trimmed elbow is placed.
    • Stock Angle: Used to define the angle of the trimmed elbow. Select one of the available angles from the field.
Pipe Bends The Pipe Bend option places a pipe bend instead of an elbow where there is a bend with an angle which doesn't match any of the elbows in the spec. When selected it display a set of fields used to define the bend dimensions as shown:
Justification Defines the placement point for the components placed on the centerline. The options available (Top, Center and Bottom) are relative to the pi The options are relative to the piping component being placed:
  • Top (Top of Pipe)
  • Center (Center of Pipe)
  • Bottom (Bottom of Pipe)
Property Fields The bottom section of the Intelligent Centerline Manager displays a variety of property tabs that expand displaying editable fields (in most cases) to define the property values for the center line.
A default component name is displayed in this field concatenated from the active Pipeline defined in the Standard Preferences dialog prefixed by the following string:
"Intelligent Centerline <Nominal Size> <Specification>" 

The values for Nominal Size and Specification are derived from the current values for those fields. They can be updated in the Design Values section. The Component Name is automatically updated when the values in any of these fields are changed.

The Line Number can be modified in the Miscellaneous section of the dialog. Changes to the Line Number will automatically be applied to the Component Name as well.

Create Multiple Intelligent Lines If you are working with a model with multiple line segments which have EC Property values defined for them (either in the active model, or a referenced DGN), this option will create multiple intelligent lines from the segments, and copy the EC Property values for each segment to the new intelligent line.

In order to process multiple intelligent lines, the following properties must be the same:

LineNumber, Specification, Nominal Diameter, Insulation Thickness, Insulation, State

If this option is not enabled, then one intelligent line will be created from the multiple segments, using the EC Property values from the last process line segment.
Note: In order to be able to copy a line segment's EC Properties, you must first make some changes to the OpenPlant schema files. Click the link below for the procedure to modify the schema:
Merge The merge enables you to merge an intelligent line in the model with a connecting SmartLine segment. When you click the Merge button, then the unintelligent line segment will be merged with the intelligent line and inherit its line properties.

The Merge button only enables when you have selected both the intelligent line and the connecting SmartLine segment.

Generate Creates the intelligent centerline from the selected line segment(s). Once generated, the property values defined are assigned to the line. The intelligent line is listed in the Properties dialog under the line number it was assigned to as shown:
Populate When selected, OpenPlant Modeler begins the process of placing components on the intelligent centerline using the AutoFitting method. When a branch or corner is encountered, the AutoBend and AutoTee tables are used to select the correct components to place according selections in the Corner Options section of the IL Manager. Once the line has bene populated, Intelligent Line instances in the Properties dialog (Shown Above) are replaced with the actual components that have been associated with the line. (See Below)
Key-in: Mechaddin IL